Take Action to Ban Puppy Mills From Doing Business in NJ
There are 3 things you can do today to advocate to put a stop to puppy mills.
The effort to ban puppy mills is a push to revise the “Pet Purchase Protection Act,” signed into law in 2015, to prohibit the retail sale of animals from puppy mills. Legislation would require pet stores to disclose the origins of the dogs and cats they sell, and would bar animal rescue organizations, shelters and pounds from obtaining cats or dogs from breeders or brokers in exchange for payment or compensation.
Your donation will be used to support the advocacy effort to ban puppy mills from doing business in NJ.
Donate to save countless puppies from unnecessary harm.
Step 1: Sign The Petition
I hereby call on the New Jersey Legislature to effectively ban the retail sale of puppies from puppy mills throughout the state. Puppy mills should be unequivocally condemned for their cruel and inhumane disregard for animal welfare. Putting an end to these establishments will stop the cruelty while reducing New Jersey’s stray population and the number of animals euthanized annually.
New Jersey residents please sign this petition and urge your legislators to ban the retail sale of animals from puppy mills.
STEP 2: Email Your Legislators Today!
Ask your one Senator and two Assembly Members to introduce the bill. We’ve prepared a sample email for you to use, but we highly encourage you to modify it to make it more personal.
Sample Email to your Legislator
Subject line: A note from your constituent - please help ban puppy mills
Dear ________,
As your constituent, I am writing to ask for your support to take a stand to prevent puppy mills from doing business in NJ. Not only do puppy mills harm the dogs through improper care, poor genetic outcomes, and disease, but they also harm the families who unknowingly purchase from them through shortened life-spans and costly health ailments.
In 2017, Assemblymembers Lagana and Pinkin introduced A-3645, but unfortunately it was not passed through the legislature by the end of the session. Let’s join the five states and over 400 localities that have prohibited the sale of puppies from puppy mills.
I ask you to please take a stand against this terrible industry by reintroducing A-3645.
Thank you for your consideration.
STEP 3: Call Your Legislators Today>
After emailing your Senator and two Assembly Members, be sure to follow up with their offices with a polite phone call. Calling takes less than two minutes, and it’s really easy! We’ve prepared a sample script for you to use but please feel free to modify it to make it more personal.
Sample Call Script
Hi, my name is _____, and I’m a New Jersey resident from __(city)__. I’m following up on an email I sent earlier about requesting __(name)__ to please introduce legislation to ban the sale of puppies from puppy mills in NJ.
Thank you.