Top 6 Books Every Advocate Should Read
By: Abel Morais For National Read Across America Day, I have put together a list of books that will be beneficial for advocates in order to become champions of change. All of these books are some of my favorites…
Students need mental health services now more than ever
By Paige Fleming As our “new normal” becomes more permanent, students are struggling to find balance and strength in dealing with mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and social deprivation. The mental strain of the COVID-19 pandemic…
Stopping Cruelty to Animals is Not a Political Issue, it’s a Humane Issue
The following is the testimony former State Senator Raymond J Lesniak gave at the Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing today regarding Bill S3401. Stopping cruelty to animals is not a political issue, it’s a humane issue. Ten states have…
STOP the Killing of 272+ Elephants. Embassy of Botswana
On Friday, Feb. 7, our Founder & President, Senator Raymond J. Lesniak recited the following keynote speech in Washington D.C., outside of the Embassy of Botswana Good afternoon, I’m Raymond Lesniak, the former New Jersey State Senator who…
Sharks Need Their Fins, We Do Not
By: Jamie Zaccaria, Wildlife Conservationist, Burlington, NJ Governor Murphy has taken a huge step to make New Jersey a leader in conservation by signing S2905, which prohibits certain possession, sale, trade, distribution, or offering for sale of shark fins….
Desmond’s Bill: Testimonies
On Monday, November 18, 2019, Desmond’s Law was released from The Senate Judiciary Committee, unanimously in an 11/11 vote. Below are the testimonies of those who spoke at the committee meeting. Robin “Zilla” Cannamela, President / Co-Founder Desmond’s Army, Animal…
Adoption Ceremony For Vincent The Miracle Cat
Vincent, the miracle cat, was adopted today after four months in quarantine – a tribute to Sue who saved Vincent, Brenna who adopted Vincent, and my wife Salena who instilled in me her love for animals. When Salena…
Vincent The Miracle Kitten Needs Your Help
For all of you who have been following Vincent the miracle kitten’s journey to recovery, I’m pleased to report Vincent is recovering well. As you know, Sue risked her well being to save Vincent and the Monmouth County SPCA…
Update: Vincent The Miracle Cat
Sue and I were pleased to toast the successful surgery on Friday for Vincent the Miracle Cat (Can you guess the origin of Vincent’s name? Pretty obvious.) All is well! Vincent’s ear was badly damaged and needed to be…
A Good News Story: Miracle Kitten
On her way to the funeral of Salena Lesniak, Senator Lesniak’s wife who died suddenly last Tuesday, Sue saw an injured cat alongside the roadway. Here’s her story … Driving up Route 9 at approximately 7:15 a.m., I saw…
More Stories
- Inspiring Change: A Step-By-Step Guide to A Campus Activism Event
- Advocacy Through Social Media: Extending Beyond Your Platform
- Unwrapping the Future: The Growth of Plastic Film Recycling
- My Visit To The State House in Trenton
- Lost Childhoods: Exposing the Triad of Illegal Immigration, Child exploitation, and Abuse
- The Realities of The Homeless Crisis
- WHO RUNS THE WORLD: Women Who Advocate for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion