National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day
Defund the police or refund the police? That is the question we contemplate on this National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day. Our police deserve to be celebrated for their every day confrontations of potential life threatening encounters. But while we…
STOP the Killing of 272+ Elephants. Embassy of Botswana
On Friday, Feb. 7, our Founder & President, Senator Raymond J. Lesniak recited the following keynote speech in Washington D.C., outside of the Embassy of Botswana Good afternoon, I’m Raymond Lesniak, the former New Jersey State Senator who…
Equality Should Not Be A Partisan Issue
Equality Should Not Be A Partisan Issue. Where Do Key NJ Republicans Stand On It? The House of Representatives passed the Equality Act with 236 votes for and 173 against. Eight Republicans voted in favor of the bill and…
Changing the Culture of Corrections
The Earn Your Way Out Act (S761/1986) (EWO) – the most significant criminal justice reform proposed in America was signed into law today’ Monday, January 20th, a historic day for criminal justice reform. Two years ago Governor Christie vetoed…
Earn Your Way Out: Testimony
On Thursday, Nov. 14, The Assembly Appropriations Committee heard testimonies from criminal justice advocates in support of Earn Your Way Out (EWO) S761/A1986 – the most significant criminal justice reform proposed in America. Here are some of those testimonies: …
Adoption Ceremony For Vincent The Miracle Cat
Vincent, the miracle cat, was adopted today after four months in quarantine – a tribute to Sue who saved Vincent, Brenna who adopted Vincent, and my wife Salena who instilled in me her love for animals. When Salena…
Happy Kids Heal Faster
A long time friend of mine, Hank Sheinkopf, prominent political advisor to mayors, governors and presidents, called me last year and asked for a favor, “Could you introduce Toys for Hospitalized Children to hospitals in New Jersey?” I responded…
Vincent The Miracle Kitten Needs Your Help
For all of you who have been following Vincent the miracle kitten’s journey to recovery, I’m pleased to report Vincent is recovering well. As you know, Sue risked her well being to save Vincent and the Monmouth County SPCA…
How Legal Sports Betting Came To New Jersey
Speech by Senator Lesniak at NJ Bar Association Sports Betting Conference at Monmouth Park Racetrack: I see today’s agenda focuses on the future impact of sports betting in New Jersey, so I thought I’d spend my few minutes to…
Update: Vincent The Miracle Cat
Sue and I were pleased to toast the successful surgery on Friday for Vincent the Miracle Cat (Can you guess the origin of Vincent’s name? Pretty obvious.) All is well! Vincent’s ear was badly damaged and needed to be…
More Stories
- Inspiring Change: A Step-By-Step Guide to A Campus Activism Event
- Advocacy Through Social Media: Extending Beyond Your Platform
- Unwrapping the Future: The Growth of Plastic Film Recycling
- My Visit To The State House in Trenton
- Lost Childhoods: Exposing the Triad of Illegal Immigration, Child exploitation, and Abuse
- The Realities of The Homeless Crisis
- WHO RUNS THE WORLD: Women Who Advocate for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion