Kangaroos Are Not For Shoes

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Take Action to Shut Down New Jersey’s Market for Kangaroo Goods

There are 2 important ways you can make a huge difference in the lives of kangaroos.

Every year 2 million kangaroos are killed by commercial shooters in Australia. This is the largest commercial slaughter of land-based wildlife, and our state indirectly finances it by allowing for the import and sale of kangaroo parts and products. The largest market for these products is shoes; however, companies that use kangaroo skin in their footwear can easily replace the material with synthetic leathers or other non-animal fabrics. By banning the sale of kangaroo meats and skins, we reduce the market for these products and thus the demand.

STEP 1: Email Your Senator Today!

Ask your one Senator and two Assembly Members to introduce this bill. We’ve prepared a sample email for you to use, but we highly encourage you to modify it to make it more personal.

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Sample Email to Your Legislators 

Subject line: A note from your constituent - kangaroos are not for shoes!

Dear ________,  

As your constituent, I am writing to ask for you to please reintroduce S3774, from last legislative session, which would ban the sale of products made from kangaroo skin

Every year 2 million kangaroos are killed by commercial shooters in Australia. This is the largest commercial slaughter of land-based wildlife, and our state indirectly finances it by allowing for the import and sale of kangaroo parts and products. The largest market for these products is shoes; however, companies that use kangaroo skin in their footwear can easily replace the material with synthetic leathers or other non-animal fabrics. By banning the sale of kangaroo meats and skins, we reduce the market for these products and thus the demand.

I ask you to please take a stand against needless killing of kangaroos by reintroducing legislation to ban the sale of products made with kangaroo skin.

Thank you for your consideration.




STEP 2: Call Your Legislators Today

After emailing your Senator and two Assembly Members, be sure to follow up with their offices with a polite phone call. Calling takes less than two minutes, and it’s really easy! We’ve prepared a sample script for you to use but please feel free to modify it to make it more personal.

Sample Call Script to your Senator

Hi, my name is _____, and I’m a New Jersey resident from __(city)__. I’m following up on an email I sent earlier about requesting __(name)__ to please introduce legislation to protect kangaroos by banning products in NJ created with kangaroo skin.

Last session, the bill number was S3774. I am asking to have this bill reintroduced.

Thank you.

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