Update: Vincent The Miracle Cat
Sue and I were pleased to toast the successful surgery on Friday for Vincent the Miracle Cat (Can you guess the origin of Vincent’s name? Pretty obvious.)
All is well! Vincent’s ear was badly damaged and needed to be completely removed. His tail is partially amputated and his hip was manipulated back in the right place and, of course, he was neutered. Big day for the little guy.
Monmouth County SPCA veterinarian Dr. Nicole Feddersen took Vincent home after the surgery and for the weekend. Overall Vincent is doing well.
Dr. Ryan Ford from Red Bank Veterinary Hospital who did the surgery.
Vincent has to be quarantined for four months before adoption, because it’s not known if he was bitten by another animal. He will be in good hands during this period, after which Vincent will be adopted. Sorry, you won’t be able to adopt Vincent, his rescuer, Sue, has first dibs.
The Lesniak Institute will be launching a fundraiser for the Monmouth County SPCA to cover the cost of Vincent’s care and treatment with an opportunity to see Vincent and give Sue a hug for her courageous rescue.
Here’s the story of Vincent’s rescue:
“On her way to the funeral of Salena Lesniak, Senator Lesniak’s wife who died suddenly last Tuesday, Sue saw an injured cat alongside the roadway. Here’s her story …
Driving up Route 9 at approximately 7:15 a.m., I saw a little cat in the second lane of the highway getting passed by cars that barely missed him. As I passed, I saw his head go up and realize he was alive. What would Salena do? I asked. Rescue the cat!
I went down the highway, through the ShopRite parking lot to get back onto Route 9. The light was red for Route 9 traffic, so I saw my chance 一 Pull up fast. Stop car. Hit flashers. Jump out. Grab cat. It’s alive and hissing at me with its claws dug into the pavement. Toss him into my car. Close the door and drive off before the light changes.”
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