Voice of Reason: Gun Control
The Voice of Reason Blog focuses on hot button issues with a reasoned approach not driven by ideology of either the left or right.
When will we ever learn? When will we ever learn?
I qualified as a Sharpshooter in the Army with an M-16. Its modern-day equivalent is the AR- 15, the weapon of choice of white supremacists.
This weapon should not be legal in America. It’s not a gun. It’s a weapon. NJ banned it in 1990.
The NRA has such a stranglehold on politicians in Washington, and it’s not just Republicans, that even requiring universal background checks to keep suspected terrorists from buying a gun can’t get passed.
Here’s what New Zealand did: “New Zealand Parliament votes 119-1 to ban assault weapons. The vote came just weeks after the Christchurch mosque shootings”
Why can’t American politicians adopt reasonable gun control laws? It’s a simple proposition: Everyone purchasing a gun must clear an FBI background check, anyone on the no-fly list is disqualified from buying or possessing a gun, and sale and possession of assault weapons should not be legal for non- military or non-law enforcement personnel.
Is this a difficult request? It shouldn’t be. When will we ever learn?
Where have all the graveyards gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the graveyards gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the graveyards gone?
Covered with flowers every one
When will we ever learn?
When will we ever learn?
– Peter Seeger
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